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Hi everyone.

First of all we'd like to say thank you so much for your patience and kindness these past few days – these are difficult times and we know everyone is feeling very uncertain.

This is a message to let you all know that we are doing our best to keep the lines of transport open whilst most importantly keeping everyone safe.

As you've no doubt heard and some of you have been experiencing, the situation for travel across Europe and road transport in particular has been changing daily if not hourly over recent days.

We have been working very hard this week on still getting freight through to Corfu. We will be in touch individually with everyone expecting items on the current March trip to update you all on progress.

Most important to us is the safety of our customers both in the UK and Greece, as well as ourselves. For this reason, Stamatis will be staying in the UK and we'll be making use of our network to get items toCorfu. We are following all health and safety guidelines, are equipped with disposable gloves, hand sanitiser and handwash at the UK warehouse and have implemented strengthened cleaning procedures.

We would like to reassure you that any deliveries in Corfu will be made by the local team there, none of whom have travelled outside of the island. Please bear with us and the team in Corfu during the coming weeks as we do our best to get your items to you as quickly as is possible.

Moving forward from here, we'll update again if there are any changes to the current plans, always bearing in mind this is a changeable situation and we will of course follow all official regulations.

We've had many messages over the past few days regarding the need for transport in the coming weeks due to people needing to move back either to the UK or Greece for family, health and work reasons in the current crisis. We understand this is a very worrying time for everyone and we're doing our best to keep providing a service.

If there is anything you need in the coming weeks, please do get in touch and we'll be able to advise on transport, as well as storage if this is needed in the UK. We'll post an update soon on this, as well as opening hours at the UK warehouse. Please note though that whatever happens, for the moment we won't be accepting any grocery deliveries from supermarkets – there is already a strain here in the UK upon delivery services, and these are needed to get through to the elderly and vulnerable who are unable to get out to shop themselves.

Thanks so much again for your understanding and we wish most of all that everyone stays safe and well. Look after each other 🐬💙



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Proudly made by

Emma Clare Ritchie t/a Delfini Transport

Unit 6, White's Farm, Great North Road,

Lower Caldecote, Bedfordshire,SG​18 9BE, UK

+44 (0)1767 448340

VAT Registration: GB 324883191

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